Review Policy
What is the purpose of was founded as a dedicated review site for independent video games.
This, naturally, covers a broad spectrum. While there will always be ‘must-review’ games, even in the independent sphere, the hope is that we can also provide reviews for games which might otherwise be overlooked by larger publications.
Our primary aim is to champion independent games and, even when our review is less favourable, bring wider attention to them.
How does IndieLoupe pick which games to review?
The above is not to say we aren’t selective with what we review.
We will only review games which, ahead of playing, we believe are likely to have merit and to be of interest to our readers. Additionally, as a smaller publication, there are currently several genres we tend not to review due to lack of expertise within our staff - we want to ensure games are reviewed by a reviewer with a significant interest in the game’s genre and one who can provide meaningful critique. We hope to become more established and eventually find reviewers for such genres, to cover the full range of the ‘indiesphere’.
All our reviews are, by their nature, subjective. Statements made are the opinions of our reviewers after a thorough examination of the game, but will likely differ from our reader's experiences from time to time. We hope that, regardless of these differences, our reviews are informative and helpful for our readers.
How does IndieLoupe get their games?
Products reviewed are either purchased by IndieLoupe or sent to us by developers/publishers.
In either instance, the source of the product is clearly written at the bottom of each review. When the product has been received for free, developers/publishers have no editorial control over our reviews, and receive no preferential treatment during the review process.
However, the likelihood of IndieLoupe initially picking a product up for review may be increased by receiving it, due to both product awareness and operational costs.