Retrospective: Citizen Sleeper - ★★★★☆
With Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector dropping recently (and, for what it’s worth, IndieLoupe’s review of it coming soon™) we thought we’d take a look at the previous two games from Jump Over the Age (JOTA) - namely In Other Waters and, surprisingly enough, Citizen Sleeper. JOTA is the one-person game studio of developer Gareth Damian Martin, so it’s their brain we have to thank for these worlds and everything in them. Spoilers for both games to follow…

Retrospective: In Other Waters - ★★★☆☆
With Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector dropping recently (and, for what it’s worth, IndieLoupe’s review of it coming soon™) we thought we’d take a look at the previous two games from Jump Over the Age (JOTA) - namely In Other Waters and, surprisingly enough, Citizen Sleeper. JOTA is the one-person game studio of developer Gareth Damian Martin, so it’s their brain we have to thank for these worlds and everything in them. Spoilers for both games to follow…

Few Nights More - ★✮☆☆☆
My first impressions upon opening Few Nights More were not great. Despite being “released” - and I use the term loosely - this week, the game’s title screen welcomes new players with a Hallowe’en-themed skin, seemingly a three-month-old hangover from its time in early access. That the developers didn’t even put the effort into removing this (nor changing the game’s “You beat the final boss of Early Access " message) speaks volumes about their treatment of Few Nights More. The timing of its release, one day after None Shall Intrude’s, also doesn’t inspire confidence.